Sunday, October 9, 2011

United States Has Been Kidnapped

I have lived in this country for 63 years and never would I have believed that our own government would turn this country into what it is today.  The only people that can pay the ransom to return our country is the everyday hard working people. Our country has been kidnapped by the congress, and the President. Someone has to take control and I believe it is all of the protesters that are finally saying enough.

On the 2012 election ballet they should enter a check box that would say "None of the Above". Let the American people get this mess straightened out.  The bail outs failed, the housing market is the worst ever. The job market is a disaster and the American people are sick of the games that Washington plays. While we sink further into a recession all we hear is the back and forth political nonsense.

Is there anyone out there who can help the American people get their country back? Let me be clear, I am not talking about all the phony politicians that are currently running.  Keep protesting in every city across the country and make the point that we are fed up.

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