Monday, July 7, 2008

It Does Take More Than A Village..

It takes citizens to build a village. A village that continues to flourish and prosper, where all voices will be heard and respected, not one gender speaking for all, but all voices speaking in unison for the greater good of all.
Accepting the task that we must all stay vigilant and committed to building a greater union for all generations. I have heard so many times, "what can I do? I am only one person." If it is one voice added to the millions who have already spoke, then we can make a difference.
We are not afforded the opportunity to sit on the couch and listen to the daily news, and yell at the TV. We are not afforded the opportunity to get into political discussions and debate our point of view if we don't get involved.

Right now the country is angry. Angry at the out sourcing of jobs, angry because 62,000 jobs were lost in the month of June. Angry because the price of gas is so high and our country has not dedicated themselves to alternative energy. Angry, at how a respected woman Senator was treated by the media and by her own political party during the primaries. Angry, that many children and adults cannot go to a doctor, as they cannot afford health insurance.
When are we going to be ANGRY enough to say enough is enough? Our political system was formed by the people, and for the people. That means ALL of us. Not the selected few. We cannot sit back any longer and leave our country as status quo. We need to get our voices ready, we need to roll up our sleeves and dig in. We can no longer sit on the couch and wait for someone to come along and change the mess we are in. We need to stand up for reform.